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How to find Load, and how to apply for a Job at ezDispatcher.com


    5 thoughts on “How to find Load, and how to apply for a Job at ezDispatcher.com”

    1. joutlaw says:

      was told about this site, came to check it out and see. I do not see any cars listed at all. Thought it would be like central dispatch but it is not!!

      1. Administration says:

        Dear “joutlaw” Thanks for your comments. But your complain is not fare.
        ezDispatchwe.com launched week ago. within a week time-frame customers already posted hundreds of loads. Site accomplished within ten days what CentralDispatch.com and uShip.com could’t do within an years. Besides Barker do not post vehicles here it is direct from Customers, Give a little time you will see lots of loads on ezDispatcher.com, our goal is to make you happy and finally get you out of Brokers cage.
        Thank you
        ezDispatcher.com Administration

      2. sbasar says:

        I agree with ezDispatcher.com Administration. You should give them little time. website is just started.

        I agree with ezDispatcher.com Administration. You should give them little time. website is just started.

    2. jdeelan says:

      Easy to use, good Documentation, Hope other Customers will start posring too

      Thank you for developing such tools. Finally! we will find transporters avoiding brokers. I already shipped my car within two days. I never was so happy that transporter delivered as promised. 5 star
      Wish you all the best and success.

      1. sbasar says:

        do not get him wrong I think joutlaw did not knew when site launched

        do not get him wrong I think joutlaw did not knew when site launched.
        Thank you, great work

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