Do not Spend time on uShip. The Better way to Post and Ship
Compare with uShip.
uShip unhappy customers:
Do not spend time waiting months for cheap, poor quality service from uShip and their low trading bids.They do not give customers access to the contact information of their transportation service provider. Customers do not know who they are handling business with, leading to a risky service. Also, customers are’t able to know whether or not the provider holds a certificate/insurance. gives customers access to the contact information of their service providers so that communication can help better the service given and answer any unanswered questions. We only accept providers that are certified and hold insurance. and does not charge their customers for posting or finding transporters. No crazy fees from transporters, compared to uShip
Most noteworthy, simplifies the process of posting and shipping to make easy it easy for load posters and carriers to better manage posting a load, finding a transporter, booking a load, invoicing, and payments.
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2 thoughts on “Do not Spend time on uShip. The Better way to Post and Ship”
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Good luck for good Job 🙂
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